A Great Park

New Park Coming to Westwood

The newest Great Park was acquired in August 2021. Located in Westwood, this property is a unique urban greenspace.

The site of the former Gamble estate, this 22-acre park with an ample tree canopy and a walnut grove is a reprieve from the busy outside world.

The park is open dawn to dusk, and guests are welcome to walk or hike the property along a mowed path. Bikes are not permitted yet. Dogs are welcome, but must remain on a 6-foot leash at all times. 

There are no bathrooms or parking available on-site at this time.

2918 Werk Road
Cincinnati, OH 45211
Get Directions

No parking available.

Closest Transit Stops:
Metro Rt. 6: 10-minute walk from Queen City Ave and Ferguson Road
Metro Rt. 21: 7-minute walk from Harrison Ave and Werk Road
Metro Rt. 51: 16-minute walk from Montana Ave and Epworth Ave

Park open daily from dawn until dusk.


Park Master Plan

Building on master plans recently completed for every park in the district, Great Parks also developed a master plan for this property. The plan aligns neighborhood and community interests with the facility and programmatic goals of Great Parks to design a new park that is a true community asset.

Great Parks included park neighbors, the Westwood community, and Hamilton County residents and stakeholders in the planning process through surveys, interviews, in-person events, and interactive workshops. An Advisory Group made up of leaders and representatives from local community organizations, such as WestCURC, Westwood Works, and the Westwood Historical Society, also provided guidance during the process.

In October 2023, Great Parks approved a concept master plan based on ideas presented by the community. This plan establishes a long-range vision for the park, and its implementation will be phased out over many years. Great Parks is currently working on a timeline and funding strategy for implementation and is excited to continue working with its Westwood neighbors to build out this new community asset.

Werk Road Great Park Master Plan – PDF